

Share this episode SEASON 02 | EPISODE 05 Tangled We hear more about Alyssa’s turbulent journey to become a Waybourn, as the family fights through a system that doesn’t know how to deal with medical child abuse. The Waybourns face the daunting task of safeguarding...

All In

Share this episode SEASON 02 | EPISODE 04 All In In this season of Nobody Should Believe Me, we’ve heard from Sheriff Bill and Laura Waybourn about their concern for Alyssa- who was a distant family member of theirs. Now, we take some time to get to know this...

Where There’s Smoke

Share this episode SEASON 02 | EPISODE 03 Where There’s Smoke Detective Mike Weber dives into the digital rabbit hole of Brittany’s online activity and makes a discovery so shocking it turns his investigation on its head and reveals the depths of depravity...

What Do We Do About Brittany?

Share this episode SEASON 02 | EPISODE 02 What Do We Do About Brittany? Heather Harris was one of many friends who was concerned about Brittany’s desperate need for attention for her daughter’s medical issues, and her inconsistent reports about Alyssa’s eating issues....

Blunt Force Instrument

Share this episode SEASON 02 | EPISODE 01 Blunt Force Instrument Meet Andrea Dunlop, accomplished novelist and mother, as she embarks on a journey to understand the series of events that tore her family apart. In the first episode, we learn how Andrea first became...